Friday, August 28, 2009


Okay - Here we go - of course you will not get the crazy stories that I could tell about what goes on each and every day of my life but at least you will see the highlights - RIGHT?

November - 20th Gabbi's Birthday - she turned 7. It was a school day and so she just had a little family party. She picked McDonald's for dinner and we ate inside. Afterwards it was home for cake and ice cream and presents. WAHOO! :0) She is so cute!

The real party came later when I went to see TWILIGHT at the midgnight showing - so worth the no sleep. New Moon coming soon! At least when I don't blog about it you don't have to wait a whole year. Now it only seems like two months away. HA HA!

Novemeber 22nd - Down to AZ

We drove down for Thanksgiving on Saturday. We really did have a great time. It is so fun to be with family. Hopefully someday we will get back there. Here are a few pictures and highlights.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Okay - I decided I'm going to do like a month a day - so stay tuned for more tomorrow. MAYBE

Also, I have to explain the music - Jason and I watched Mama Mia for the first time Christmas Eve. We were both hooked. We went out and bought the CD and for the rest of the winter/sping we listened to it. The kids were going crazy. It was ABBA morning noon and night and sometimes in between. Ask Keaton to sing it for you - he has it all memorized. He can't sing the alphabet song - but he knows the words to HONEY, HONEY! HA HA!

The Kelly Clarkson song - Heard it once - COULDN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD. Just listen to it and see if you don't start rocking out and jamming to the words ALL DAY!


I knew I wasn't THAT bad of a mother . . . however, don't start thinking highly of me just yet . . . I know for a fact - I didn't get one of Keaton - I didn't even dress him up. I know I'm a LOSER!


The 18th -

Kenzie turns 9 - Family Party - she had a friend go shopping and out to lunch!


Embarassed to say these are the only two that got pictures - either that - or I can't find the others. When my mother calls me . . . .


I am going to attempt to catch up for two reasons-

1) I really want this to be my journal for my family
2) Because I need a distraction from my life

So bear with me as I go from then to now

Let's see how well I do