Sunday, October 19, 2008


Yesterday was Kenzie's 9th Birthday; therefore it was a family affair and yet, being the con-artist she is, she somehow managed to get a friend invited to go with us.

She spent the day doing ABSOULTELY NOTHING - because when it is your birthday you have complete immunity from work at our house. No one can call you to go get a diaper or help someone tie a shoe because - as the birthday queen you don't have to lay a finger to help or clean up anything for 24 hours. (Believe me she really took advantage of this - in fact she started to try and pull it the day before the actual day).

The first gift of the day - a new purse complete with a pack of gum, lip-gloss, new earrings and bangles and a HSM wallet with $40.00 cash to spend.

We took her to lunch and to the mall to spend the money that was burning a hole in her pocket. Her little friend came along with the other 7 of us and we had a great time trapsing through Limited Too, Bath and Body Works and the Gap.

The rest of the day she was floating on air.

She scored at Target and found some good bargains.

She played with her friend and her loot;

And She at pizza, Sprite & cake till she about popped

She commented several times yesterday and I quote "THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!" Well, I guess it goes to show - the little things are what matter the most - because it was certainly one of the "EASIEST BIRTHDAY'S EVER!" for me.

We sure do love our little Kenzie and we are so grateful for the spunk and life she brings to our family. We would certainly be a boring bunch without her.

LOVE - LOVE - LOVE YOU KENZIE! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Jason's birthday this year, fell on a Sunday. So - what did I do - well I tried to embarass him. I told all his priests and they made him a big crown and a set of ripped abs (drawn on a poster that fastened around his waste) They sang to him and tried to humiliate him all day at church. It was great. I even took little treats to his class and they had a little party for him.

We had a dinner (salad - he is no fun these days - hey 67 pounds and counting) and he did splurge with a texas sheet cake.

A scavenger hunt prepared by the kids lead him to a little birthday gift. All in all - he had a fun day (I hope) and got to relax a little. We sure do love him!


I think the pictures speak for themselves

WHAT IS THAT? - HAIR GEL - He thought he would rub it all over himself!

After his bath and 10 Mintues later - a tube of lipstick - sure why not . . .

what's in his mouth - who knows - I must of gotten it out before he choked.

But after the third bath and with pajamas on - who can resist that smile.

That's our KEATON! Wouldn't trade him for the world!


Okay so as you may or may not know - I was recently the activities chairperson for our ward. So, we decided to have a BACK TO SCHOOL activity for the entire ward.
Well, being the fun loving person I am - I decided it would be hilarious to have a lunch line for everyone to go through complete with lunch tickets and of course - the LUNCH LADIES

Do you recognize this beauty?

The next item of business was a little assembly for the ward. Jason and I both partcipated in Adam Sandler's skit - LUNCH LADY LAND - (a must see for anyone that hasn't seen it.)

I think everyone just about wet their pants laughing at Jason

I WAS SLOPPY JOE - We got married and we had 6 kids and we're doing just fine!


Here is my attempt to play catch up - please bear with me as I give you a months worth of NEW POSTS!