It is quiet. Almost too quiet.
"Where's Gannon?"
Keaton crying.
"Mikala - go get Keaton out of his bed."
The above is a complete narrative of Keaton's first hair-cut today. Followed by his first buzz. I do think he looks cute - even if I do say so myself, however, he still has some bald spots that were cut completely to the scalp. All I could do was laugh.
The punishment - well Gannon punished himself. He went in his room, got in his bed, pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 8:24 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
So, as I remembered my divine calling and the importance of the job that I am doing - I continue to recieve daily affirmation of the truthfullness of it. After being spiritual feed at church, I came home to an e-mail that continued the feast. I am grateful I am a part of all of this - aren't you? I am sure glad I know.
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 4:31 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Well, I fought a good fight. (Cassie - start eating your foot) I lasted till approximately 3:30 p.m. That was 7 hours longer than I thought I would. I got Gabbi off to the bus and laid down and took a nap for 2 of those hours. Before falling asleep (Jason was home - so no my boys did not have free reign of the house - or maybe they did) I was reading in 1 NEPHI Chapter 17. In versus 2 & 3 it talks about how as they traveled in the wilderness the Lord lifted their burdens and made them light - even so light that they did not murmur or complain. I had an AH HA - moment. My situation is no different from Nephi's wife or mother, or sister - I am being a Laman or a Lemuel. I am grumbling and complaning and I have everything to be thankful for. I applied for this position and I really wanted this job - so I surrender with a glad heart. I know that the Lord will carry me through this and make my burdens light. I love being a mom and I am grateful that he intrusted me with this great task. I am grateful for the revelation - (or maybe it was the nap). Put your shoulder to the wheel - PUSH ALONG! I immediately began cleaning!
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 4:01 PM 5 comments
It has been three long hours for me. I must confess I picked up some trash and threw it away. What was I supposed to do - let Keaton eat it? It's too bad he isn't a vacuum cleaner - then I could set him down and my carpets would be clean in no time.
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 10:42 AM 3 comments
We the mothers of the United States, in order to form a more perfect household, insure domestic cleanliness, provide for the common cold, promote the general nutrition, and secure the Blessings of the gospel to ourselves, and our posterity, do proclaim and herby state this as the Constitution for the Mother.
So - today I am creating a Union. I am going on strike. I am over-worked and under-paid. I have zero vacation days and do not get the 5 minute break that I am entitled to. I have decided to not pick up, wipe up, dust or vaccum until my rights are realized. Now, those of you that know me know what kind of dilema this puts me in. I am a clean freak by nature and my very soul cries out to the sock on the floor to be picked up. BUT - I will prevail. It may last for a day, it may last for an hour. But, I will succeed for what ever amount of time I can stand it. Mothers of America UNITE!
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 8:09 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Anybody looking for a good photographer. I have just the gal. So, I go to download my snow pictures and I have a few extra pictures that I didn't take. I can only assume that Kenzie was trying to get a good glamour shot of herself. Maybe she thought she could piece the bottom and the top half together. Classic Kenzie Moment.
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 9:16 PM 1 comments
I told Kristen I would throw this one out there. It doesn't look like much in the picture, but trust me folks, its more snow than this Arizona girl is used to - anybody got a blow torch?
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 9:13 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
As requested by a couple of you - here is my Valentine board that I made. You can place you order now and save 10%. Only 199.99 (offer good till February 14th, 2008)
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 2:24 PM 6 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I had to capture this moment as my three boys were splashing around the other night during our nightly bath ritual. It is one of the first times they were all in there together. Keaton is now sitting up well enough to splash along with the best of them. My floor got a good soaking - but hey - I needed to mop anyway!
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 7:44 AM 5 comments
On January 7th, at precisely 7:35 p.m. Keaton Thayne Checketts began to full-fledged crawl. It is with happiness and sorrow that I post this picture. Happy because it is always fun to see your child develop and grow, but sad because this is the last baby we will witness this event with. Happy because he is having fun exploring, sad because he is into everything. Happy because I won't have to carry him everywhere, sad because I have to re-decorate my house to make it child proof. Neverthless, he is darling and we are proud of his achievement!
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 7:38 AM 3 comments
Kenzie and Gabbi decided that in order to survive the cold winter months here in Utah that they would need to put a few pounds on. Here is their picture after they had "CHUBBED UP"!
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 7:35 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
So, I was thinking about it today as I was changing the 4th diaper of the day at 9:00 a.m. How many diapers have I changed since Mikala was born. Scary - I know. So I decided it was worth a few punches on the calculator.
So let's say I have changed diapers everyday for the last 10 years.
Thats 365 days X 10 years
Thats 3650 days
So, if you figure I changed 5 diapers a day - give or take a few, that's
18,250 diapers
Then for about 7 years I have changed 2 sets of diapers a day which I figure is another 12,775 diapers
Those two numbers added together are 31,025 DIAPERS! I have done my share of throwing poop and added to the earths pollution in astronomical amounts. WIPE THAT BABY!
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 1:06 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I must confess our snow outing was fun - but you can do that in AZ. Jump in the car, Drive two, or three, or four hours to the snow. Play in it. Shake it off. Get in the car. Come back home - leaving the slushly, wet, misery behind you. Jason would have to agree with me as he was shoveling for 2 1/2 hours this morning.
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 12:23 PM 7 comments
Good morning - it is a whopping 34 degrees the snow is falling. There is a blanket of pure white snow as far as the eye can see and I HATE IT! What I would give to be back in sunny AZ with the sun shining on my face and warming me to my toes. I just hung up the phone with Kristen and she was taking a walk. The only walk I take each day is to my mailbox and back, and if I want to do that I must put on boots and a coat in order not to get frostbite. Does the rest of the world know what they are missing out on?
Posted by CHECKETTS BUNCH at 9:50 AM 3 comments