Saturday, June 28, 2008


As most of you know, Gannon fractured his wrist/arm last Sunday. Of course, being the parents we are, we made him suffer for a little while before we took him in.

He was out playing Sunday evening and quote "jumped up really high and fell down like this". We are guessing he just landed wrong on his wrist and since there are no credible witnesses to the act, I guess we will never know.

So, we just put an ice-pack on it and he cried about it for the next 12 hours. Finally Monday morning, I realized - hey, maybe something really is wrong here. I took him in to the doctor's and 5 hours later - we were back home with this handy dandy Spider-man blue cast.

It really hasn't bothered him other than the fact that he can't go swimming and bath time is a bit of a challenge. And 21 days seems like an eternity to a 5 year old.

How many more days today mom? 16 buddy, 16.


Lori said...

Yikes Gannon . . . sorry you got hurt, but hey, way cool!!! Brent had a baseball accident. We took him to Urgent Care and they told us it wasn't broken. Two days later and many tears and complaints by Brent and we went to an orthopedic doctor and we found out that it was broken!! How do you think I felt?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he got a "spiderman" cast! I bet it made it all better!

Naughty Newbee's said...

Poor guy and I feel your pain about the Dr.... I am glad he is doing better. I had a nice little chat with Jake last night..We sure do miss you guys. Anyway, when you get a min give me a call so WE can chat this time, Maren. Love you all

The Heaps said...

What a cool cast Gannon! I'm so sorry you got hurt and I am just so sad that I wasn't there to give you big kisses and huggles!
Love you and am glad you're feeling better!

Kris-10 said...

I didn't even see this the last time I was on. He sure looks happy about it! :o)

I'll see you guys today!!!