Friday, June 6, 2008


So, we are sitting around the table the other night for dinner. There is long standing joke between Jason and I because he was always told his eyes were hazel - but they are not. They are just as green as mine are. So, I said something to him about them being green and he laughed and said they were hazel. I asked Kenzie

"Look at your dad's eyes - what color are they?"

"well" she said - "They are green on the inside, but around the niple - they are brown"

Jason and I busted up - She thought she had said something funny so she started laughing too.

We were all laughing and I told her that the black part of her eye was called the iris not the niple.

She just shrugged and grinned and said - Oh - Okay!


Kris-10 said...

LOL She is sooo funny.

The Weights said...

That is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!!! She is a crack-up!! Again, good thing that she has parents to teach her the correct words and usage, otherwise can you imagine the conversations for the rest of her life whenever talking about eye color?!!! Thank heavens for moms and dads!

Cassie and Chad said...


Sarah S. said...

I totally laughed out loud when I read your post. I love the part where she laughed with you guys. That is too cute.

Lori said...

Where does she come up with these things? She is seriously funny!!

The Heaps said...

gotta love her! she makes me laugh so hard. too funny

Naughty Newbee's said...

Kids say the darnest things don't they? I love it too funny. By the way, how is her scratching doing? I have been troubled with Gracie and doing that and I don't know what to do anymore. I love your new layout as well!! I almost put that one on mine but I didn't want to copy. Love ya, Kara

Rachel Stewart said...

So so great! I love that girl!

Hockey Mom said...

Too funny - that is a Reader's Digest winning comment!

Anonymous said...

She was thinking of pupil I'm sure...that was soooo great! Oh and Maren, have I ever told you that the nipple of your eye is beautiful!

Tara L. Stradling said...

HILARIOUS! And oh so cute...

Kris-10 said...

New post! Wink Wink ;o)