Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last night we were cleaning the basement as a family. I put Kenzie in charge of vaccuming. But, I guess I must preface this story with another story. Last Sunday night we had a storm. It was a crazy wind storm and things were blowing around everywhere. I was up reading the HOST and it was around 2:00 a.m. (I know - I know). So, I went downstairs for a drink and walked by the basement door and felt a strong draft. I opened the door thinking maybe there was a window open down there. I went down and discovered someone had left the basement door open and the room down there was COVERED in leaves and debris. I was not happy - but going back to the present. I put Kenzie in charge of vaccuming this room and picking up all the leaves. The next thing I know Gabbi comes in and tells me Kenzie is vaccuming outside. I run into the room and sure enough - Kenzie has my $400.00 Dyson vaccum sucking up the door-well full of leaves, dirt, bugs, trash etc. - the vaccum is completely clogged up and dirty and I am left to wonder - am I asking too much of my children? Do I really need to explain to my 8 year old that we do not use the indoor vaccum to "CLEAN"-up the great outdoors. I guess next time I will need to be a little more specific - just the leaves in the house, sweetie - not the ones outside.


Rachel Stewart said...

lol...sorry to be laughing at your expense or that of your vac, but this was pretty funny.

NO, you aren't asking too much. But maybe more specifics are in order. Although I think she may have known exactly what you meant.

If not, at least she was obedient, and didn't complain about the amount of work it would take to vacuum the entire yard.

Kris-10 said...

That is too funny. Sorry about your vacuum, that really stinks. Hopefully it is no worse for wear and you can do a commercial stating it even vacuums well outdoors!

Lori said...

I was trying to think like Kenzie (this is a fun experience, try it) and I thought, well maybe if all of the leaves are out of the yard, well then they won't have the chance of flying inside, right??? Okay, not cool. Can the vac be saved?

The Weights said...

Maybe you can just look at it as Kenzie taking it to the next level!!! Not just the room but the outside too!! Ha, ha, ha!!

I hope the vaccum can be salvaged!!Little things we learn as we go- both as children and parents!!


I am pleased to announce that my vacuum is working okay. It is filthy and a full detail is in order, but who has time to "CLEAN" the vacuum?