Friday, May 16, 2008


Gannon had his last soccer game yesterday - Yes, it was a crazy day. He is so cute I just had to post these pictures. I love to watch these little guys as they run along trying to kick the ball away from the mass of other children sticking their feet in - like seagulls flocking to one crumb of bread.

It's Mine, It's mine they all seem to chirp as they crowd around the ball sometimes by complete chance kicking the ball into the goal. Way to go ROCKETS.


Lori said...

Gannon is the soccer champ!! Keep it up and you'll be better than David Beckman.

Kris-10 said...

How cute! He looks like he is having fun!

The Heaps said...

Yet another event I wish I could have gone to! How fun for Gannon and he looks adorable in his little soccer uniform! HOW FUN!!!

Rachel Stewart said...

Seriously...little kids soccer is so crazy. You wonder how they come home without their shins being just one black and blue bruise. They seem to love it.

Gannon is just such a little man. When you were here last, I just couldn't get over it. He is just so good and so fun... A great combination.

Anonymous said...

that's cute! I'm immpressed that Jason caoched all those boys. I bet that was fun to watch!