Saturday, May 17, 2008


Okay this is the first in my series of the GOOD OL' DAYS! I want to post all my favorite's from Sesame Street for the next week. Check it out everyday to see if I get one of your favorites.


Anonymous said...

and a stick of butta!!

Rachel Stewart said...

I've never seen that one. How fun.


WHAT - Rachel - Where were you? - didn't your mom let you watch channel 8 - that's a classic.

Kris-10 said...

My favorite was the Tiny Super Hero Guy! Oh, and the alien that say Yep Yep Yep Yep...oh and One Two, two little cats....I have a lot of favs

Lori said...

These bring back memories. I loved Sesame Street. Remember the Electric Company? Can't wait to see what you pick next.

The Heaps said...

AWESOME! This is great! I love that one and all the ones Kristen mentioned too! Can't wait to see what comes next!